Whilst almost certainly incomplete, the following catalogue is believed to represent well, the grasses and allies of the reserve. Nevertheless, plants come and go and no expert eye is cast annually so there will be additions and we would love to hear of them.
So far we have recorded 35 grasses, 4 sedges, 2 rushes, 1 horsetail & 1 fern species.
Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata
Common Bent Agrostis capillaris (tenuis)
Creeping Bent A.stolonifera
Common Couch Elymus (Agropyron) repens
Crested Dogstail Cynosurus cristatus
False oat-grass Arrenatherum elatius
Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea
Marsh Foxtail Alopecurus geniculatus
Meadow Foxtail A. pratensis
Smooth Meadow-grass Poa pratensis
Ratstail Fescue Vulpia myuros
Perennial Ryegrass Lolium perenne
Wall Barley Hordeum murinum
Meadow Barley H. secalinum
Timothy Phleum pratense ssp. pratense
Soft Brome Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus
Hairy Brome Bromopsis ramosa
Meadow Barley Anisantha (Bromus) sterilis
Tor Grass Brachypodium pinnatum
False Brome B. sylvaticum
Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia cespitosa
Wild Oat Avena fatua
Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus
Common Reed Phragmites australis
Common Spike-rush Eleocharis palustris
False Fox Sedge Carex otrubae
Greater Pond Sedge C. riparia
Hairy Sedge C. hirta
Brown Sedge C. disticha
Compact Rush Juncus conglomeratus
Jointed Rush Juncus articulatus
Field Wood-rush Luzula campestris
Field Horsetail Equisetum arvense
Male Fern Dryopteris filix-mas